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All-Star Traders Outperform/Underperform Picks for US Stocks
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

In the rating system of the Motley Fool, each member predicts if a stock is going to outperform or underperform the S&P 500 Index in a given timeframe and based on these predictions a score or CAPS rating is given to each stock. The higher the CAPS rating is the...
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Equal Weighted Index
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This item creates an equal-weighted index given a basket of assets and a reference date. The close, open, high, low and volume fields of the index or composite are constructed based on the weight of each asset on the reference date.

By default, the reference date is set to the beginning...

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Trading System based on the Linear Regression of the RSI Indicator
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Applying the linear regression to the 2-Bar Relative strength index series creates an oscillator whose values vary between 0 and 100. The oscillator reaches low values after a decline in the underlying stock and reaches high values after a fast increase.

Linear regression analysis is used to analyze the relationship between...

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 Trading System 
Swing Index Indicator
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

The swing index uses the current and past prices to determine the market direction and change in direction. It gives a numerical value that is between +100 and -100. This indicator is primarily used in the commodity and Forex markets, but it can also be applied to stocks.

The formula includes...

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Vertical Horizontal Filter - VHF
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Vertical Horizontal Filter, introduced by Adam White, is an indicator used to identify trending and ranging markets. In fact, similarly to the popular ADX indicator, the VHF estimates the raise / fall price acceleration, and thus attempts to predict whether we are going to deal with a trending or...
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Correlation Filter Money Management Strategy
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The correlation filter money management strategy analyzes each incoming order and measures its correlation with each opened position in your portfolio. If the correlation between the new order symbol and a portfolio symbol is higher than a specific threshold (definable and optimizable in money management inputs) then the order is...
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 Money Manag. 
PIPS conversion formula in Forex trading
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

In Forex trading, a PIP is the smallest price increment that can be made by a currency. PIP refers to "percentage in point" and it is very important in Forex as it is the basis for calculating profit and loss and measuring spreads (bid/ask differences).

Usually the value of a PIP...

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% bars in last N trading days where stock close price increased
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Given the close price time series, this indicator calculates the percentage of bars, for each trading day and over a given lookback period, where the close price advanced (close price higher than yesterday's close price).
A value of 100% means that the stock or asset increased during all the previous bars...

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Adaptive Price Channel
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Adaptive Price Channel is a technical analysis indicator composed of two lines: the upper and lower lines. These lines are created by calculating the highest high value and lowest low value over a non-fixed lookback period. The lookback period value changes after each bar according to the change of...
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ADX Trading System
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Here is a screen that displays buy and sell trading signals using a system that works with the Average Directional Index (ADX), the Positive Directional Indicator (PDI) and the Negative Directional Indicator (MDI).

The screen creates buy and sell columns. A value of one in a cell under the buy column...

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VolDex Implied Volatility Index - Historical Data
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

VolDex (symbol: VOLI) is a new index that measures the real-time implied volatility of the SPY (SPDR 500 ETF) by using only at-the-money SPY options (unlike the VIX, developed by CBOE, who uses all SPY options in its calculation).

The index calculates the implied volatility of at-the-money SPY put options of...

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Design and backtest a trading system with two strategies
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

If you have two trading strategies and would like to measure the performance and profit of a trading system that combine these two strategies then this money management script can help you achieve this.
Each strategy, whether it is applied to stocks, FOREX, futures or options, is given an initial equity...

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 Money Manag. 
Euronext Paris - News Data
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

This item downloads French companies news data. Data retrieved from an RSS feed is transformed and inserted in a custom intraday database. The data is provided by a French website (
This news feed (RSS) is downloaded separately for each stock. The database, which stores the news items, is called 'france_rss_news'...

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Record High Percent - 10-day Simple Moving Average of the High-Low Index
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

Based on the number of stocks making new 52-week highs and the number of stocks making new 52-week lows, the High Low Index is a popular market breadth indicator that shows the number of new highs relative to the sum of new highs and lows.
The High Low Index is also...

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Federal funds effective rate
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

The federal funds effective rate is the weighted average of rates on trades between brokers. As a simple example, if a borrowing bank A pays 5% to a lending bank B to borrow funds and on the same day a bank C pays 4.5% to a lending bank E to...
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Historical volatility regimes
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This mask transforms one rule into 5 rules. It adds to your rules a volatility constraint.

Let's for example say that your rule is: close > sma(close, 20).
The mask will generate 5 rules from the above rule:
Rule 1: Original rule + security volatility must be lower than 10%. ...

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 Rules Mask 
Value At Risk Measure
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The value at risk is a risk measure based on the probability distribution of security's prices or portfolio's market value. Unlike other measures such as the volatility, the value at risk measure cares about the direction of the portfolio or security.

The current value at risk function calculates a percentage that...

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Russian Stock Market
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The three main exchanges of the Russian Stock Market are: Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, Russian Trading System and Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange.
The Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange, MICEX, is the leading stock exchange and is one of the largest in Russia. This stock exchange is located in Moscow.
The Saint Petersburg Stock...

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Recent mergers and acquisitions
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

Mergers and acquisitions or M&A, is about companies buying, selling, or merging with other companies.
The process of merging generally benefit both companies and thus improve theirs growth or/and profitability.
Acquisition is when one company takes the control of another one by buying shares of the targeted company.

This downloader downloads the...

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Cumulative Sum of a Technical Indicator
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

Cumulative sum or running total of a technical indicator refers to the algebraic sum of all previous values of this technical indicator.

The Cumulative sum formula is as follows:

A = B + C * previous value of A ...

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Estimation of the Hurst Exponent - Trading Indicator
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Based on the Chaos Theory, the Fractal Market Hypothesis is an alternative to the Efficient Market Hypothesis. It assumes that each trader may interpret trading information in different ways and at different times (The Efficient Market Hypothesis assumes that all information is reflected in prices), that investors are not rational...
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ConnorsRSI v003
by Dave W., uploaded several months ago

This trading system implements the ConnorsRSI pullback system as described in the ConnorsRSI Pullbacks Guidebook.

A description of ConnorsRSI and the system description are available here:


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 Trading System 
Top 20 stocks with the highest 10 day rate of change - Current and 10 days ago
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

Get stocks that belong to the top 20 stocks with the highest rate of change (return) over the last 10 days and top 20 stocks with the highest rate of change over the same period, 10 bars ago.

Symbols Filter: All symbols
Filter: Stock closing above 10$
Rule1: Stock must belong to the...

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BSE Stock Exchange
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

I have shared this list of symbols so it can be used with the following downloader: 265.
The list contains companies listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange; more than 2900 symbols are available. It contains the symbols' code (A unique identifier assigned by the Bombay Stock Exchange), the company title or...

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Z-Score (Standard Score)
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

If you want to compare a certain value of a time-series for a particular security to the value of other securities for the same date, then you should use the z-score. You will need to standardize data in order to use the z-score or the standard score.

The standard score, which...

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Market Cap Historical Data for the US Stock Market
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

It is the product of the number of shares outstanding and the stock share price and it vary on a daily-basis (as do the stock price), the market capitalization is a measure of how big or small a company is. It represents the current market value of a company or...
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Research and Development Percentage - US Stocks
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The majority of companies spend each year a huge amount of money in research and development or R&D. Research and development refers to a creative activity whose purpose is to improve and increase company and its workers knowledge and then to use this knowledge to improve the existing products/applications or...
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Detrended Price Oscillator
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Detrended Price Oscillator is an indicator used as a long or short signal. In fact, the DPO eliminates cycles that are longer than the moving average period. It leaves thus short-term trends, and it allows both overbought and oversold levels to be detected more accurately. These levels are used...
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Analyst comments
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This downloader gets analyst comments from an RSS feed at the and insert the extracted data into your local database. The 'analyst_comments' database that will be created contains two columns, the date and the title. The title column will contain the analyst comments for a particular stock, and the...
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CNX 100 Weightage
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The CNX 100 index consists of 100 diversified stocks. The index represents more than 70% of the free float market capitalization and it covers 35 sectors of the economy.
The index base date is Jan 1, 2003; the base value is 1000 points.
CNX 100 used to be calculated using a market...

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Chande's & Kroll's R2 Indicator
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

The R-Squared or R2 is a statistical measure that shows the percentage of movements of one time-series that can be explained by movements of another time-series. The R-squared values range from 0 to 1 or 0 to 100 if expressed in percentage. A value of 100 indicates that all movements...
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by srishail, uploaded several months ago

best watchlist created ,tested on indian market try it u will get more profts....
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 Watch List 
Market Timing Rules - Used to construct profitable trading strategies
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The current list of rules contains 44 series/indicators based on the sum function. This list can be used when implementing the technique described in the following blog post: How to turn any ordinary trading strategy into a very profitable one

The indicators are transformed by the PercentRank function, then...

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US Historical Quotes from NASDAQ website
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

This is another historical end-of-day data downloader for the US Stock Market. It works with all companies listed in one of the following exchanges: NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, OTCBB, and Pink Sheets.

The item gets the data from the NASDAQ website. You must select a period and a list of ticker symbols...

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Slope Angle of a Trendline
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Here is a trend line that displays the line slope angle which is the angle in degrees from the horizon. This drawing tool is similar to any trendline tool used in technical analysis; select it then click on the chart to create the first anchor point or line extremity then...
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 Drawing Tool 
Yahoo News
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Download stock Headlines from yahoo website.
Just select the symbols and press download.

The news will be saved in a database whose name is 'yahoo_news'.


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Fibonacci Trading with the Retracement Levels/Ratios
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The Fibonacci retracement indicator returns a value indicating whether there is a support or resistance near the current stock price. Five different retracement levels or numbers are used: 0%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8% and 100%.

When calculating the Fibonacci retracement levels, if the highest stock value occurs before the lowest value, then...

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Adjusted & Unadjusted stock prices
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

For those who want or need access to both adjusted and unadjusted historical stock prices, this item downloads both data from the Yahoo server.

This item has almost the same settings as the 73, which is a download object that retrieves historical EOD data from Yahoo servers, adjusts the quotes using...

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Hull Moving Average - HMA
by Mark Peterson, uploaded several months ago

The Hull Moving Average (HMA/HullMovingAvg) is a Moving Average/Study created by Allan Hull and described in his book Active Investing.

When adding the indicator to a chart, buy and sell signals are generated (represented by line color changes and buy/sell arrows) base upon a change in line slope (Positive Slope...

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Average Maximum Drawdown
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The average maximum drawdown is a rules analyzer metric described in the following post: The average maximum drawdown metric . It calculates the maximum drawdown (the maximum an output can lose) of each symbol or security output and then averages the result.

If you are analyzing for example a list...

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 Rule Metrics 
Previous - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... - Next

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