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Stock Grade - Fundamental Analysis
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

This item downloads a measure for U.S. stocks that tells you how likely a company is to achieve its financial goals.

Quantitative research based on public companies financial statements is conducted in order to grade each stock on its ability to achieve the most important goal, which is to maximize returns...

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Equity and Date Export To Excel
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Unlike the 1406 script, the current one exports the date in addition to the equity value.

It will automatically open an excel document with the date and equity value for each data point.

Please note that in order for this item to work you need to add a reference to the excel...

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 Money Manag. 
Maximum Drawdown Composite Indicator
by MikeMM, uploaded several months ago

The maximum drawdown of a stock is calculated using the "Drawdown" function. This function returns the maximum drawdown of a price series since the first bar.

The maximum drawdown composite indicator averages the max drawdown of all stocks in the universe by calculating the max drawdown of each stock and then...

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Normalized Price
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The normalized close price indicator calculates the price movement of a security by starting with a 100 base value at a specific date.

You just need to specify a start/base date and a security name (optional - if empty then the currently analyzed security will be used) and this function will...

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Advance minus decline stocks per industry
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This item scans the market looking for stocks that are advancing while the majority of other stocks in the same industry are declining.

It calculates the number of advancing stocks and subtracts it to the number of declining stocks for each industry. It then takes stocks that belong to industries that...

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Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model formula
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This is a custom formula that calculates the put and call prices of European style options.

This Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model function accepts six parameters.
The first parameter is used to specify whether we want to calculate a put or a call, set 'p' for put and 'c' for call.
The others parameters...

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Double / Triple Smoothened EMA with Flexible Alpha
by Alexander Horn, uploaded several months ago

Double / triple smoothened EMA with flexible alpha to be used in Sector Surfer, AAA and FAA paper models


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Flexible Asset Allocation Model V1.0
by Alexander Horn, uploaded several months ago

QS language model of 2012 Keller "Flexible asset allocation" paper:

The model ranks the following assets by momentum, correlation and volatility, rotates monthly, equal weight:

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 Trading System 
Value At Risk Measure
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The value at risk is a risk measure based on the probability distribution of security's prices or portfolio's market value. Unlike other measures such as the volatility, the value at risk measure cares about the direction of the portfolio or security.

The current value at risk function calculates a percentage that...

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RSI Conservative Screen
by Brian, uploaded several months ago

This screener attempts to find good "buy" candidates. A good buy candidate is defined as a stock that is oversold in the short term but trending up in the longer term. The RSI is used to find those stocks that are considered to be oversold where as...
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by crfaldu, uploaded several months ago

This item calculates the SCTR (Stock Charts Technical Ranking). Please see the link for description.

cFunctions.SetForwardAndBackwardBars(200, 0);

String str = "EMA200_ = ((Close - ema(200))/ema(200)) * 30;" + ...

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LSE Symbols
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

This is a list of UK symbols extracted from the following symbol list: 214. The total number of symbols is 2867. These symbols are selected because they have historical data in Google finance website. The other symbols are rejected.

To download historical data for these ticker symbols (companies listed on...

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Price and Volume Trend
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

Price and Volume Trend, also called PVT, is a technical analysis indicator that is similar to the On-balance Volume. While the On-balance volume adds up the volume value for each bar times 1 or -1 depending on whether the close is higher or lower than the previous close, the Price...
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by Steven Sommer, uploaded several months ago

The StocRSI indicator is a hybrid indicator that employs a 21 day fast stochastic indicator , 14 day RSI, adds half the value of each and takes a 13 day EMA of the summed value to arrive at the final calculation. It was developed and employed by Don Beasley who...
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Pairs Trading Strategy
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

A pair strategy consists of taking one long position in a stock or security against a short position in another stock or security. The goal of such as strategy is to make profits on diverging performance and at the same time reducing risk and exposure to the global market because...
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 Trading System 
How far are the close prices from the support line
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

The current rule detects support line patterns. It uses the advanced rules syntax to detect bars where a support line with specific characteristics occurs.
The support line here is defined as a line (which is most of the time non-horizontal) that connects two bars and where the close prices between these...

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Adaptive Price Channel
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

The Adaptive Price Channel is a technical analysis indicator composed of two lines: the upper and lower lines. These lines are created by calculating the highest high value and lowest low value over a non-fixed lookback period. The lookback period value changes after each bar according to the change of...
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Anchored Indicator
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This function calculates the number of bars, value, sum, average and rate of return of a specified vector and using reference points. For example, if you use the rate of return indicator (ROC), the function accepts as input a vector and a lookback period (number of bars). If we choose...
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Number of Increases for each Month/Year
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The current pivot table displays the number of increases (today's close higher than yesterday's close) for each month and for each year for the SPY.

You can update the pivot table to display data for any indicator you want, you can also select the "Values" field, click on the "Symbols" tab...

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 Pivot Table 
Earnings Surprise Strategy
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This strategy is based on earnings surprise data and it consists of the following trading rules:

Buy Rules:
- Today's Earnings surprise is higher than 5%, which means the actual EPS is 5% higher than EPS consensus (expected earnings per share by analysts).
- Previous earnings-per-share is positive (previous quarter EPS) ...

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 Trading System 
Auto Draw Gap Lines
by Jan Christensen, uploaded several months ago

This function automatically draws lines for non-closed gaps; - both gap down and gap up. It takes one parameter named "LookingBack" that indicates the numbers of bars to backward scan, e.g. 100 means that the function scans 100 bars backward from last bar. If the parameters is set to zero,...
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Muscat Securities Market - MSN Stock Exchange
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

Known as the MSM, the Muscat Securities Market is located in Muscat and is the main exchange in Oman. It was established on 21 June 1988 by a Royal Decree.
The stock exchange lists more than 120 companies from different sectors (The major sectors are Banks and investment, Industry and Services).


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Year to Date Excess Return
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The following pivot table would allow you to easily display the year-to-date performance of your assets or ETFs and track their excess return with a benchmark or index.

By default, the following ETFs are compared to the SPY (S&P 500 ETF)
DIA: SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF
IEF: iShares Barclays 7-10 Year...

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 Pivot Table 
Swing Simulation
by Jason Robbins, uploaded several months ago

This is a swing indicator that may be used during backtesting to reference swing data.

Format is: swingsim(close, threshold, type, ago);
Threshold = movement required in points to constitute a valid swing
Types are the swing metric that is to be returned, valid types include: ...

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Equity Valuation
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

Price to earnings, PEG ratio, price to cash flow, price to book and price to sales are fundamental or valuation ratios used by analysts and investors in equity valuation to determine how cheap or expensive a stock is.

Valuation ratios are generally calculated by dividing the stock price by a measure...

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Hanging Man
by Vivek A. Shah, uploaded several months ago

Hanging Man is used for short term trading when applied to daily charts. Trader can take position accordingly on the particular trading days depending upon the formation of pattern. This will help you screen out stocks having Hanging Man formation.
Usually it is said that if the Hanging Man pattern is...

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 Watch List 
Combination Element from Lexicographical Index
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The current algorithm calculates the mathematical combination element given the lexicographical index. The function gets several string values separated by a semi-colon, a value to test, the number of values per combination and the combination index (or what is called lexicographical index).

To understand the usefulness of this function, here is...

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Industry Rotation Strategy - iShares ETF Dow Jones Stocks
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

This trading system ranks the 10-bar rate of return of iShares ETFs that represent the top US industries then buys the ETF that have the lowest return. When the ranking system returns another ETF then the strategy sells the previously purchased exchanged traded fund and buys the first ranked one.


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 Trading System 
London Stock Exchange News
by Patrick Fonce, uploaded several months ago

I have previously created and uploaded a downloader and a list of symbols for the London Stock Exchange.

As with the downloader that used Google to retrieve historical end-of-day data, this item uses Google to download news data feed for companies listed in the LSE (London Stock Exchange).
Downloader: 217
List of...

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Money Flows - Selling on Strength
by Tom Huggens, uploaded several months ago

The "Money Flows - Selling on Strength" item downloads a list of advancing/up U.S. stocks with the largest outflow of money. Outflow of money happens when the number of shares traded on downticks exceeds those that were traded on upticks. Usually an outflow of money would cause the share price...
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Covered Put Screener
by bug man, uploaded several months ago

In the last trading object I have shared (241), covered call potential candidates were retrieved from a Covered Call Screener (The data is retrieved from In this item, it is time for Covered Put strategies data to be retrieved for US stocks. The data is saved into a database...
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Weekly ETF Switch V 1.0
by saratur, uploaded several months ago

ETF Switching Strategy (Weekly)

This is a momentum based ETF switching strategy. You can use it as a starting point for developing your own system.
The concept of momentum based sector rotation or switch between asset classes has been around for a long time. Typically such a...

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 Trading System 
Brazil Stock Market
by The trader, uploaded several months ago

This list contains the ticker symbols of stocks that trade in the Brazilian stock market, more precisely in the Sao Paulo stock exchange.
Sao Paulo stock exchange is the largest stock exchange in Brazil and the fourth in the American continent in terms of market capitalization.
According to Wikipedia there...

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Stock Market Momentum Indicator
by MikeMM, uploaded several months ago

The Stock Market Momentum Indicator is a proprietary stock market indicator created by the Commodity Research Bureau (crb). It is mainly used to determine the general direction of the market. Based on S&P 500 stock prices, this indicator analyzes some stocks and calculates the ratio of the percentage of those...
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Alpha/Jensen index of a Security
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

Here is a trading indicator to calculate the Jensen index or alpha of a particular security. When evaluating the return of a security or a fund, it is important to take into account the risk. The alpha indicator helps you achieve this by measuring risk premiums in terms of beta....
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by srishail, uploaded several months ago

best watchlist created ,tested on indian market try it u will get more profts....
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 Watch List 
Number of Stocks per Industry
by Brian Brown, uploaded several months ago

This pivot table displays the number of stocks for each industry.

Each industry is displayed in a row and a second column "Count" would display the number of stocks that belong to each industry.

You would need to update the industry field of each stock first. You can let QuantShare do that...

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 Pivot Table 
Trading the Equity Curve
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

While backtesting a portfolio or trading system, trading signals and position sizing rules are defined at startup and cannot be changed or updated dynamically during the backtesting process. The money management tool allows you to create scripts for different events that are executed during the backtesting and therefore it allows...
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 Money Manag. 
Currency Pairs Calendar Data
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

This is a modified version of the following downloader - 211. In the original version, the data were grouped by country, so events for each country were saved in a symbol with the same name as the country. The current version saves the data and associates it with the appropriate...
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Forex Correlation Matrix
by QuantShare, uploaded several months ago

The following Forex correlation trading item creates a correlation matrix between several currency pairs.

Correlation is a statistical measure of the relationship between two securities. It tells us whether two currency pairs are moving in the same, opposite or random direction.

Correlation values vary between -100% (Forex pairs move in the same...

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 Pivot Table 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... - Next

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