Using the Hull moving average, a market rule, two time frames and an N-Bar stop, this strategy generates an annual return of 30.91%, a high Sharpe ratio of 2.13 and a very low drawdown (-16.21%). The strategy beta is equal to 0.29 and the correlation between daily returns and S&P...
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This is an expansion and on the original which diplayed prices rather than returns. I did this 2 years ago and forgot to share.. :(
Added: Equity Cumulative, Benchmark Cumulative, and Equity OverUnder(Equity Cumulative - BM Cumulative)
----------Original--------- ...
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Money Manag.
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Use this item to download historical quotes data for the Ocean Tomo Patent Indexes. The data spans from 2007 to present.
The Ocean Tomo Patent Index was developed by Ocean Tomo, LLC. It provides a market benchmark for the U.S. economy. This economy has seen an increase in intangible assets relatively...
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This market breadth indicator calculates the ratio of total volume for advancing stocks to the total volume of declining stocks. In this volume ratio, Advancing stocks refer to stocks that have increased in the last 10 trading days, while declining stocks refer to stocks that have decreased in the last...
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This ranking system based on RSI(3). The value of RSI(3) is subtracted from 100 so that lower RSI(3) values are given a higher ranking.
Larry Connors' has published some good, quantitative work showing short-term RSI() values (e.g., RSI 2, 3, 4) are good predictors of a stocks performance over the following...
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Traders have developed several position sizing techniques and systems. Here are for example the fixed bet size (493) and the fixed percentage of equity (499) scripts.
Another popular position sizing system, often using in trading, is the one that uses volatility to adjust the number of shares to buy or short...
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Money Manag.
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If you have two trading strategies and would like to measure the performance and profit of a trading system that combine these two strategies then this money management script can help you achieve this.
Each strategy, whether it is applied to stocks, FOREX, futures or options, is given an initial equity...
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An increase in volume can be detected in several ways. For example, you can calculate the ratio of the total volume in the last five bars to the volume of the last 50 days. The higher the ratio is the higher the increase of the volume during the last days.
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best watchlist created ,tested on indian market try it u will get more profts....
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This function returns the total number of ticker symbols in your database when the provided parameter is empty.
a = nbtickers("");
plot(a, "Number of tickers");
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A money management script that splits trading orders and executes these split orders on different dates.
The money management first updates the percentage of capital invested of the trading strategy. It then detects buy orders and saves the number of traded shares. Because we have updated the percentage of capital...
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Money Manag.
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This item downloads the CBEO S&P 500 BuyWrite Index, BXM, historical data. The BMX historical data available in the Chicago Board Options Exchange website contains only the close price numbers. This downloader gets also the open, high and low data.
The CBEO S&P 500 BuyWrite Index is a benchmark index, developed...
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This List contains the 10 Industrials Indices of the French stock market (euronext) classified according the ICB classification.
They will be added in your database.
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This screen looks for stocks that have the highest increase in price and volume over a period of 10 bars. It uses the composite function to calculate the percentile value of the close price increase (using the rate of change trading indicator) and the percentile value of the volume increase...
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Relative momentum index is an oscillator introduced by Roger Altman in a February 1993 'Stocks & Commodities' magazine article. Inspired from the relative strength index, it attempts to improve it by eliminating the oscillations between defined overbought and oversold levels through the introduction of a momentum. The relative momentum index...
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The Simple Decycler is a study created by John Ehlers and presented in the
The idea behind this virtually zero-lagged trading indicator is that the market data can be considered as a continuum of cycle periods each one with a different cycle amplitude. Trending periods could be considered as segments of...
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The staggered entry and exit strategy allows you to enter a percentage of the total number of shares to buy when the first condition is met. The remaining number of positions is entered only when the second condition is met.
For exits, it will close only a percentage of the total...
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Money Manag.
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No trading rules based on individual stocks. Just one ranking rule and one market rule.
This trading system generates +25 % annual return with low risk (maximum drawdown lower than -18%) just by using a single ranking rule and a single market rule. Backtest was done using current NASDAQ 100...
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The trend deviation indicator or TD is the ratio of the close price to its N-Bar simple moving average.
An increasing absolute value signals a divergence or an increase in the difference between the close price and its moving average, while a decreasing absolute value indicates that the close price is...
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The Margin Trading data for the National Stock Exchange (India) is downloaded from the NSE website ( It includes the quantity and the amount financed by members/dealers of the NSE under the Margin Trading Facility for all securities listed in the exchange.
Members of the exchange report this data to the...
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This item retrieves EOD data of Bursa Malaysia stocks from the website. The data goes back to June 2009 and it is downloaded by date. This download item automatically adds new symbols. However, you can use the 341 list of symbols with this item to get the company titles...
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It is a fact that market falls twice as fast as market rise. So to short sell the suitable stock is easiest way to make money in day trading.
Here is a watch list that lists those stocks that can be shorted in 15 minute time frame. This watch list find...
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Watch List
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The Adaptive Price Channel is a technical analysis indicator composed of two lines: the upper and lower lines. These lines are created by calculating the highest high value and lowest low value over a non-fixed lookback period. The lookback period value changes after each bar according to the change of...
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The Wilshire 500 Total Market Index, also called Wilshire 5000, is a market index created by Wilshire Associates, an independent investment firm. Wilshire Associates has also created several other market indices, including the Wilshire 4500 Completion Index, Wilshire Global Real Estate Securities Index, Wilshire US LargeCap Index and Wilshire US...
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The Ratio of open-close to high-low range is a simple technical analysis indicator that uses the four basic elements of a bar candle (Close, open, high and low).
The open-close range is computed by taking the absolute value of the difference between the open price and close price, while the...
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The portfolio versus stock return item is a money management script you can include in any trading system.
Here is how it works:
For each incoming new position, it calculates the N-bar return of that stock and compares it with the N-bar return of the portfolio (equity).
The new position is taken only...
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Money Manag.
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This is a list of index options symbols listed in the International securities exchange (ISE). ISE introduced index options in October 2003 and it was the first time indexes were traded fully electronically.
This ISE symbol list also contains sector indexes that track the performance of publicity traded companies in different...
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The chaikin money flow is an indicator that helps traders determine whether a stock is under accumulation (the stock price closes near the session high with an increase in the volume) or distribution (the stock price closes near the session low with an increase in the volume).
The indicator compares the...
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Download historical economic releases data (Economic Calendar) for several currencies (EUR, USD, JPY, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, and NZD)
The event releases, their importance, the actual and forecast values as well as the release date and time are downloaded by this item. The data spans from May 2007 to present...
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The current download item gets non-continuous daily futures quotes from the following download location: The quotes can be downloaded starting from the end of 2007. This is because a change in the URL that points to the CSV content was made in the late 2007. The data provided by...
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The Exit Postition Based on Profitability money management script is used to exit an open position if X% profit has not been achieved after Y number of bars.
The values for the profit threshold (X) and the number of bars (Y) are configurable using the money management variable inputs screen....
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The Directional Trend Index, DTI, is a trading indicator that uses the high/low momentum to calculate the increasing momentum of the highs in an up market and the decreasing momentum of the lows in a down market.
The DTI slope tells you about the direction of the market or security price....
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The Trade Weighted Index or Trade Weighted Exchange Index is an economic indicator used to compare an exchange rate again several other exchange rates. A country calculates the Trade Weighted Index by weighting exchange rates of its major trading partners. Each trading partner's currency weight is equal to its share...
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This indicator measures the volatility by subtracting the highest high over a specific period by the lowest low over the same period. In other words, the volatility here represents the distance between the highest and lowest value over a specific lookback period. You can of course modify the function and...
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The Google Investing Index is a measure that tracks google search engine queries related to the market-related keywords such as stock, gold, stock market, etf, exchange traded funds, oil...
This item downloads the Google Investing Index from Google servers and associates the data with the following ticker: ^GOOGLEINDEX
You can of course...
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By measuring and averaging intercorrelation between different assets, you can create a market sentiment indicator and add it in your trading arsenal.
The sentiment indicator you are about to download calculates the average intercorrelation between two or more securities. In mathematical terms, it takes a security, calculates the 10-bar correlation with...
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The Lisbon Stock Exchange is the main stock exchange in Portugal. It is located in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal and since 2007, it is part of the NYSE Euronext group (After the merger of Euronext and NYSE).
In 2002, Euronext acquired the Lisbon stock exchange (Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa...
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Download Forex historical data for 10 pairs.
You need to add the following symbols in order to use this downloader.
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The volatility channels indicator is used as a confirmation rule to enter long or short trades. When long rules are triggered, enter long when the price breaks up the upper volatility band and when short rules are triggered, enter short when the price breaks down the lower volatility band. The...
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A stock buybacks occurs when a company decides to repurchase its own shares. Before any buyback, the company must comply with the strict rules for stock repurchase plans under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies may decide to repurchase their stock for several reasons:
1 - This buybacks will...
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