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The Darvas Box upper and lower boundaries will then form if this high is not touched or penetrated for the next 3 consecutive trading days followed by a retracement low that's not touched or penetrated for a further 3 days in a row, as shown in the picture above. Darvas...
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This function can be used to calculate Upside/Downside standard deviation or any other custom standard deviation.
As an example, let us say you want to calculate standard deviation of returns but just returns that occurred while a particular stock was trading below its long-term or 250-bar moving average. That particular standard...
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This is a real-time grid/table that displays close and RSI14 values (1-min period) for a list of securities.
You can update any symbol by double clicking on its name (first column).
You can add a new symbol by rigth clicking on the table then selecting "Add Row".
You can learn how to create...
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The Choppiness Index is an oscillator designed to determine if the market is choppy (trading sideways) or not choppy (trading within a trend in either direction). The Choppiness Index is not directionnal. Higher values equal more choppiness, while lower values indicate directional trending.
- the Choppiness Index measures the linearity...
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The Hull Moving Average (HMA/HullMovingAvg) is a Moving Average/Study created by Allan Hull and described in his book Active Investing.
When adding the indicator to a chart, buy and sell signals are generated (represented by line color changes and buy/sell arrows) base upon a change in line slope (Positive Slope...
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This is a list of trading rules to be used for example in a stock picking system. The list contains 64 trading rules and use price, volume and some indicators like roc, rsi, sharpe and drawdown.
Example of trading rules include:
Close > open
Roc(30) > 5 ...
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This is a list of trading rules or metrics to be used in a stock/ETF rotational system. The list contains 15 metrics or measures.
Example of metrics:
Sharpe(close, 30) // Sharpe measure of the individual stock or ETF
Hhv(high, 30) / high // Ratio of 30-day highest high to current high ...
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This daily Forex-System for the EURUSD is inspired by the book "Intermarket Trading Strategies" by Markos Katsaros.
It uses the 10 year US-Bond yields and the Commodity CRB-Index as an Intermarket-filter for the Moving Average Signals and Wilders pSAR as Stop-Loss.
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Trading System
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This System for Tactical Asset Allocation is inspired by a system of Markos Katsanos published in his book "Intermarket Trading Strategies".
Following aspects of Asset Selection from a wide array of ETFs and its Timing are considered:
-An ETF is selected when the ROC of the MA is positive
-The Regression Slope...
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Trading System
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This is an Implementation of the Congestion Index Indicator presented in the book "Intermarket Trading Strategies" by Markos Katsanos.
It can be used to identify trading ranges and the direction and normalized strength of an trend. Values above 30 indicate an uptrend and values below -30 can be considered as downtrend.
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