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Trading Webinars, are they worth it?

Updated on 2013-05-03 by Guest

Before discussing about Trading Webinars, I would love to share a few things with you, which I learnt out of my mistakes, losses & experiences. For me, making money by trading stocks has been a distant and surreal dream. It can work wonders if you do things logically and you are lucky, but at the same time it can shoot your short term capital losses bar many notches up. I mean, you ought to be Chuck Norris to keep on piling up profits without making losses. I may sound a bit pessimist to the guys who are rim full of and in many cases overflowing of enthusiasm and desperation for money. But just to pacify you, this is just a precautionary statement to keep your feet grounded in order to avoid the mistakes that most of the traders make; they go by instincts instead of logic. And it’s not that I haven’t made good profits, it’s just that I have made better losses. Huh!!

When it comes to Stock Markets, you must know that it is based on Zero Sum Game. Somebody’s profits are always at the cost of somebody else’s loss. The only guys to be in the win-win situation are the exchanges and the brokers. By above statements, I do not mean to discourage or derecognize the successful traders but just to make you understand the fact that speculation gets a lead on logic when it comes to day trading.

Having put my point across the table, which was necessary to keep your expectations realistic, let me come to the point. Trading Webinars, are they worth it?

Just for information webinars are an online way of training or coaching through the use of slides, illustrations and videos and can be accesses on web either free or by paying depending upon the offerings. And Trading Webinars are webinars that give you trainings on day trading; simple enough. Trading Webinar advertisements, when they say they will make you a star profitable trader and put you on a path to financial freedom for $99 only, believe me; they do not mean it literally. And if they are promising so and using words like ‘for sure’, ‘guaranteed’ or likewise, they are just being ‘Gordon Gecko’ and capitalizing on your greed to cater to their own interests. In fact greed is the God whose worship generally leads to Financial Nirvana (Hah! If you know what I mean).

So keep the thought of making big bucks without involved risks, out of you mind. There is some chemistry between day trading and profits but it is imperfect. And this is where Trading Webinars can help you sort out some of the imperfections. The real worth of Trading Webinars lies in the fact that they help you in understanding the intricacies and nuances of trading. They actually equip you with the basics as well as advanced concepts, process, options available and do’s & don’ts of day trading. They can help a novice to get started in trading warfare with all the armors and shields installed on. It makes you fit enough to stand in the battle ground. Given the quantum of money at stake, yes, it’s a battle. In fact Trading Webinars are like the Simulation trainings that pilots take before actually getting a chance to be airborne.

Trading Webinars are one of the latest technological tools to effectively impart the required skills to the target audience. Of course the quality depends on the trainer. No wonders why Trading Webinars have become so popular and effective in the recent past. They are concise, clear and are not crippled by physical & infra related constrains that traditional seminars or training sessions face. If some Training Webinar claims to train you about the fundamentals and logics behind trading, they are not wrong. At the same time they can reach a large audience at lower cost. They are a great and cost effective way of imparting training.

The most important and only thing to be kept in mind is your expectations. Your expectations should be limited to the learning outcomes rather than getting hands on some shortcut formulas of making quick bucks. Also the Trading Webinar should be focusing on making you trained enough to understand the various aspects of trading and be able to make correct decisions.

Having established these important points, let me enumerate them for your quick reference.

Benefits of Trading Webinars

•      Trading Webinars give you the required knowledge about the working of markets, trading process, differences as compared to long investments, importance of concepts like stop loss, limit price order, liquidity, volatility, short selling etc.

•      Trading Webinars are cheaper and they provide value for money as compared to classrooms or books.

•      Trading Webinars are convenient for people who cannot get enough time to go to a classroom session.

•      If taken as facilitators (should always be the case), Trading Webinars won’t disappoint you.

Things to kept in mind before zeroing down and subscribing to a Trading Webinar

•      Keep your expectations practical and look for value additions.

•      Do you your research about the trainers, the websites and their past records. It will help you avoid the scams.

•      Look for those trading webinars that promise you facts and not some attractive day dreams.

•      Last but not the least, be prepared to do your homework, focus on learning and putting them to practice preferably on stock trading simulation games.

Once you feel confidence, you can take the leap of faith. Start with small leaps………

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