John Faig
2012-01-17 21:14:38
I am trying to recreate an indicator I used in a different trading platform. It takes three moving averages and creates an indicator of the strength of an uptrend (U1, U2, or U3) or a downtrend (D3, D2, D1). The function has lots of errors. I will eventually figure it out, but would appreciate some hlep to move up the learning curve faster.
var score : int;
var sma20_one_day : double;
var sma65_one_day : double;
var sma130_one_day : double;
//VectorD pj = cFunctions.CreateNumericVector();
VectorD sma20 = cFunctions.CompileFormula("a = SMA(20);").GetVectorDouble("a")
VectorD sma65 = cFunctions.CompileFormula("b = SMA(65);").GetVectorDouble("b")
VectorD sma130 = cFunctions.CompileFormula("c = SMA(130);").GetVectorDouble("c")
VectorD close = cFunctions.Close;
for(int i = 130;i<close.Length;i++)
sma20_one_day = sma20.GetValue(i);
sma65_one_day = sma65.GetValue(i);
sma130_one_day = sma130.GetValue(i);
//assume D3
score = 3;
if (sma130_one_day > sma20_one_day) and (sma20_one_day > sma65_one_day) then score = 1;
if (sma20_one_day > sma130_one_day) and (sma130_one_day > sma65_one_day) then score = 2;
if (sma20_one_day > sma65_one_day) and (sma65_one_day > sma130_one_day) then score = 3;
if (sma65_one_day > sma20_one_day) and (sma20_one_day > sma130_one_day) then score = 1;
// D2
if (sma65_one_day > sma130_one_day) and (sma130_one_day > sma20_one_day) then score = 2;
//pj[i] = score;
result.SetValue(i, score);