How to get fundamental data for U.S. Stocks
Updated on 2011-07-28 04:30:13
If you search for the keyword phrase "fundamental data" in the sharing server, the request will return you about 40 results. Many of these items are fundamental data downloaders.
Here are some items you can use to get fundamental data for U.S. Stocks listed on NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX:
Financial fundamental data for US companies: This item gets Market capitalization, dividend, return on assets, return on equity, return on investment, current ratio, quick ratio...
Fundamental Valuation Ratios for US Stocks: Gets several valuation ratios including Price to earnings, forward price to earnings, PEG, price to sales, price to book, price per cash, price per free cash flow and earnings per share.
Ownership data for US companies: The number of common shares, float, insider transactions and short ratio are among the fundamental items you can get with this downloader.
US Stocks: Exchange, Market, Sector, S&P 500, Optionable: After running this item, you will get the exchange, sector, market of every U.S. Stock. You will also know whether a stock belongs to the S&P 500 index and whether it is optionable or not.

Data will be saved in different custom databases. You can access it using the "GetData" function of the QuantShare vector-based language.
You can also quickly filter stocks based on different fundamental ratios. For more information, please read the following how-to article:
How to quickly select stocks based on the last value of a database field