allan nathan
2012-01-15 16:16:11
I sent an email direct,but think this is a better place to ask
I am working with the WatchList feature and am having some difficulty following the PDF and the Lessons.It appears that the program may have evolved while
the instructions have not..
The static watchlist is straight foward.Is there also an import feature or do I have to manually type in the symbols?
I assume the simple watchlist is now called the basic watchlist.That is where I am having a difficult time following the instructions from the lesson
Where is the "Symbol Selection" control located? Where is the "show" option? Which Filters tab does the lesson refer to?Are you referring to the bulk updater?
When I click on Tools and watchlist,my All watchlist pops up.I then have the option to click on create a watchlist.When I select Basic,I dont see any of the
options that you mention.
Am I correct a basic watchlist can only have one predefined column?
Sorry for all the questions