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The European Central Bank releases several economic indicators for the Euro Area; these indicators include the Inflation Rate, Monetary aggregate M3, Unit labor costs, Labor productivity, Current account balance as a percentage of the GDP, Currency in circulation, Gross outstanding debt, unemployment level and GDP at market prices.
The last economic...
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The S&P Euro Index (ticker symbol: ^SPU) is a stock market index created by the Standard & Poor's company. The S&P Euro represents the Europe and tracks the return of stocks from the euro zone countries. Stocks are chosen across several countries and industry sectors. Economic sectors represented by the...
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For those who want or need access to both adjusted and unadjusted historical stock prices, this item downloads both data from the Yahoo server.
This item has almost the same settings as the 73, which is a download object that retrieves historical EOD data from Yahoo servers, adjusts the quotes using...
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This item loads and saves a list of all European holidays. As with the US holidays object (268), the data is retrieved from the InterContinental Exchange website (theice.com).
The data is downloaded from 2001 to 2012 and is saved into the following custom database: 'holidays_europe'. The symbol '^Holidays_EUROPE', which is associated...
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The "bolsamadrid.es" website provides historical end-of-day data of companies listed in the Bolsa de Madrid or the Madrid Stock Exchange. The item I have created downloads the historical end-of-day quotes of all the 157 symbols for a specific start and end date ('From' date and 'To' date).
The list of symbols...
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The Madrid Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Madrid) is a regional stock exchange in Spain. It is part of the Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) group and is the largest Spanish stock exchange. BME group also includes the Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia stock exchanges, MF Mercados Financieros and Iberclear. The...
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This item contains the ticker symbols list of companies that trade in the Spain Stock Market. The list has 148 symbols and most of the companies are listed in the 'Bolsa de Madrid'.
The Madrid Stock Exchange or (Bolsa de Madrid) was officially founded in 1831.
Spain has four regional stock...
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Download stock Headlines from yahoo website.
Just select the symbols and press download.
The news will be saved in a database whose name is 'yahoo_news'.
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Historical quotes from yahoo
Etats-Unis AMEX
Etats-Unis NASDAQ
Etats-Unis NYSE ...
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