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The Martin Pring's KST trading system is based on the KST (Know Sure Things) oscillator developed by Martin Pring. The idea of this oscillator is to make rate of change readings easier for traders to analyze.
In this trading system, the crossover of the KST oscillator with its smoothed version...
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High Moving Average and 2 low ROC strategy....
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quant fund settings
run this to find the three stocks...
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Based off of a buy/sell signals mostly using the signals report.
When updating please date your update and make it person specific so we don't destroy the original.
Absolute goal is CAGR >20% with drawdown
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This is a trading system based on level breakout. The system detects the levels of the last peaks and troughs and decides to enter or exit a position when the price breaks these levels. A buy signal is generated when the close price crosses above the last peak and a...
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This system seeks to exploit a pattern where if the previous two days didn't have a gap up open from the previous close exceeding 0.2%, then there's an higher chance that the next overnight session will gap up.
The system buys the close and sells at the next open. It works...
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This is a tactical asset allocation strategy example based on momentum and volatility to rank some ETFs.
More info about how to create tactical asset allocation strategies can be found here:
Create Your Own Tactical Asset Allocation Strategies
Note that unlike the above article (see the link), the composite function here uses...
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This is a simple tactical asset allocation strategy (TAA strategy) based just on the relative strength indicator.
The strategy invests in 10 ETFs:
EDV (Vanguard Extended Duration ETF)
EEM (iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (ETF))
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Here is a modified version of the Triple Momentum Strategy described by Gerald Appel in his "Technical Analysis: Power Tools for Active Investors." book. Gerald Appel is also known for creating several trading indicators including the popular Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD).
The triple momentum indicator/level is simply the sum of...
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This is a trend following trading strategy that trades S&P 500 stocks.
The S&P 500 trend following system uses the following rules:
- Daily data for S&P 500 stocks
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