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NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ 52-week high and low data

by The trader, 5559 days ago
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This is an item that downloads historical data regarding the number of issues that are making a new 52-week high and those that are making a new 52-week low. These two time-series (52-week highs and 52-week lows) are downloaded for each US stock exchange (NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ). In total, 6 time-series data and 6 ticker symbols are created.

^52-week-highs-AMEX: Number of securities listed on the AMEX Stock Exchange that are making a new 52 week high.
^52-week-highs-NASDAQ: The same but counts the securities listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.
^52-week-highs-NYSE: The same but counts the securities listed on the NYSE Stock Exchange.
^52-week-lows-AMEX: Number of securities listed on the AMEX Stock Exchange that are making a new 52 week low.
^52-WEEK-LOWS-NASDAQ: The same but counts the securities listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange.
^52-week-lows-NYSE: The same but counts the securities listed on the NYSE Stock Exchange.

This extremes data for the different US exchanges are available from 2005 to the present.
Many other composites could be created from these extremes data.
Example of derived composite index:
- Number of issues from the three Stock Exchanges that are making 52 week highs or lows.
- Difference between the number of stocks that are making 52 week highs and those that are making a 52 week lows.

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Type: Download Script

Object ID: 134

United States

Market: Stock Market

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