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EURSEK and USDSEK - Historical data

by elBulli, 5297 days ago
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Historical exchange rates for Swedish Krona (SEK).

This will download historical data from 1993-today for EURSEK and USDSEK however other rates are available if so configured (see list below). Add symbol names (EURSEK, USDSEK etc.) accordingly. The downloaded data is; Daily EOD (Close), CSV, .(dot) separated.

The Swedish banks daily calculate a fixing rate at 9.30 a.m. according to the formula: (bid+ask) / 2. At 10.05 a.m. Stockholm Stock Exchange sets a joint MID-PRICE by calculating the aggregate of the banks' fixing rates. Observations are published daily at 12.30 p.m.

Other available rates:

ATS  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Austrian shilling

AUD  (1993-01-04 - )
Australian dollar

BEF  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Belgium franc

BRL  (2005-09-06 - )
Brazil real

CAD  (1993-01-04 - )
Canadian dollar

CHF  (1993-01-04 - )
Swiss francs

CNY  (1994-03-01 - )
Chinese yuan renminbi

CYP  (1998-01-02 - 2007-12-28)
Cyprus pound

CZK  (1998-01-01 - )
Czech koruna

DEM  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
German mark

DKK  (1993-01-04 - )
Danish krone

EEK  (1998-01-01 - )
Estonian kroon

ESP  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Spanish pesetas

EUR  (1993-01-04 - )
Euroland euro

FIM  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Finnish marka

FRF  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
French franc

GBP  (1993-01-04 - )
pound sterling

GRD  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Greek drachmer

HKD  (1994-03-01 - )
Hong Kong dollar

HUF  (1998-01-01 - )
Hungarian forints

IDR  (1998-01-01 - )
Indonesian rupiah

IEP  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Irish pund

INR  (1994-03-01 - )
Indian rupee

ISK  (1993-01-04 - )
Icelandic kronor

ITL  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Italian lire

JPY  (1993-01-04 - )
Japanese yen

KRW  (2005-09-09 - )
South Korean won

KWD  (1994-03-01 - 2005-02-28)
Kuwaiti dinar

LTL  (1998-01-01 - )
Lithuanian litas

LVL  (1998-01-01 - )
Latvian lat

MAD  (1998-01-01 - )
Moroccan dirham

MXN  (1998-01-01 - )
Mexican nuevo peso

MYR  (1994-03-01 - 2005-02-28)
Malaysian ringgit

NLG  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Dutch guilder

NOK  (1993-01-04 - )
Norwegian krone

NZD  (1994-03-01 - )
New Zealand dollar

PLN  (1998-01-01 - )
Polish zloty

PTE  (1993-01-04 - 2002-02-28)
Portuguese escudo

RUB  (1993-01-04 - )
Russian rouble

SAR  (1994-03-04 - )
Saudi Arabian riyal

SGD  (1994-03-01 - )
Singapore dollar

SIT  (1998-01-01 - 2006-12-29)
Slovenian tolar

SKK  (2005-04-29 - 2009-01-01)
Slovakian koruna

THB  (1998-01-01 - )
Thai baht

TRL  (1998-01-01 - 2004-12-30)
Turkish lira

TRY  (2005-01-03 - )
Turkish new lira

USD  (1993-01-04 - )
US dollar

ZAR  (1994-03-01 - )
South African rand

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