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This Saudi Stock Exchange EOD Downloader gets one year of historical data for all stocks listed on the Tadawul Exchange. A total of 162 stocks and indices are downloaded; the list includes for example: Riyad Bank, Bank Al Jazira, Yanbu Cement Co., Fitaihi Holding Group, Saudi Basic Industries Corp., Saudi...
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This item downloads historical quotes data for Saudi Arabia stocks (Tadawul Stock Exchange). It also downloads data for various indexes and sectors. (Bank and Financial services, Energy & Utilities, Hotel & Tourism, Industrial Investment, Multi-Investment, Media and Publishing, Petrochemical Industries, Real Estate Development...).
You can choose to download historical data for...
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Tadawul is the Saudi Arabia unique stock exchange.
The Saudi stock market is the biggest market in the Arab world by market capitalization. The stock market capitalization exceeds the 55 billion US dollars.
Only people belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are allowed to invest in the Saudi Arabia...
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