Measure the value of the stock market using the Q-Ratio valuation methodThis object is a Trading Indicator. Measure the value of the stock market using the Q-Ratio valuation method was created by Brian Brown on June 14, 2010. The creation of this Fundamental Analysis indicator demanded 1 lines of code.The implementation of this Fundamental Analysis trading indicator necessitated only one line of code. The Stock indicator is called 'QRatio' and it is created using JScript language. It gets 0 inputs. The different arguments are: Example: p = QRatio(); Here is how to plot the trading indicator on a chart: Plot(QRatio(), "Measure the value of the stock market using the Q-Ratio valuation method", colorRed); Future and Past Bars: The function does not require future bars. It necessitates zero past bars. Click on this link to download Measure the value of the stock market using the Q-Ratio valuation method Search terms used to find this trading item include FL103164003.Q, stock market valuation methods, total stock market valuation techniques, FL102090005.Q, measuring scrips in stock market The trading object is saved under the following categories: Fundamental Analysis - United States Stock Market Trading Indicators: (Stock Market) Ratio of Total Market Capitalization to US GDP Unexpected Short Selling Bars High Short Selling Activity Short selling indicator Short Indicator Yang Zhang extension of the Garman-Klass Volatility Estimator Rogers-Satchell Volatility Estimator Garman-Klass Volatility Estimator Historical High-Low Volatility: Parkinson |